Title: Breathe Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG Spoilers: None past mid season 3. Plot:The team return from a mission barely alive. But that's only the start of their problems.
Title: Everything John Never Wanted to Know about the Wraith, and Rodney Should have been Afraid to Ask Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: R/NC17 Spoilers: Mention of events in Outcast. Plot: Naked Wraith World is nothing whatsoever like Rigel 4. And John is not Kirk.
Title: That Thing Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG-13 Plot: "Yes, you were right about Chaya," he finally agreed rather reluctantly, "but that doesn't mean you'll be right about Helia as well."
Title: Only Can Give (What You Have) Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG Spoilers: 4x16 - Outcast. Plot: What can you do when there's no hope, no distraction, and no way out?